How to quit your day job: Transitioning from public Stomal Therapy nurse to small business owner

1Gyselman, L, 1Gentile, N

1Children’s Nursing Queensland



Stomal Therapists currently practice within hospitals nationwide, however as the number of NDIS participants grows, so does the want and need for community practicing stomal therapists.
As paediatric nurses and stomal therapists, our service commenced trading in November 2022. Our goal was to provide specialised nursing care (in particular, stomal therapy care) to children within the community. By providing specialised nursing care within the home and community, our goal was to minimise unnecessary hospital visits for families, particularly those with complex medical conditions and disabilities.
Prior to transitioning from working within a tertiary paediatric hospital, we first had to understand the responsibilities and limitations of our nursing care. Our service found extremely limited information about the processes to practice independently of medical supervision. In order to ensure we were appropriately covered, our service engaged the assistance of lawyers, insurance brokers specialising in the medical field, regulatory bodies such as AHPRA and the AASTN, and business mentors to aid the process.
There is a significant lack of information about the process of becoming an independently practicing nurse, without having nurse practitioner status. Without a formal and standardised process of transitioning to private practice, a thorough understanding of scope of practice is key.
Nurses and stomal therapists wishing to practice privately, would benefit from clearer guidelines and recommendations from governing and regulatory bodies. A lack of guidelines and recommendations regarding private practice, means that there is potential for nurses with insufficient experience or qualifications to practice privately with little to no support and ultimately, for patient safety to become compromised.


Natalie Gentile,

Natalie is co-director and founder of Children’s Nursing Queensland – a private paediatric specialist nursing service that provides community care and education. Natalie has worked exclusively in paediatrics since graduating with Honours from Nursing in 2015. Her background in paediatric nursing including surgical, burns, high acuity and stomal therapy, provides her with a strong understanding of the complexities of paediatric care. In addition to nursing, Natalie is a qualified Stomal Therapist and holds a Bachelor of Social Science degree which assists her to better understand the diversity of healthcare and how it may be impacted culturally and societally. Natalie is passionate about providing equitable, family-centred health care and values a holistic and individualised approach.


Lisa Gyselman,

Lisa is Director and co-founder of Children’s Nursing Queensland, a private paediatric specialist nursing service.

She is a qualified Stomal Therapist and Clinical Nurse Consultant who has been working in paediatrics since 2012.  A paediatric nurse for Queensland Health throughout her career before deciding to start her own private nursing service, Lisa’s goal is to provide quality and evidence-based nursing care to children in the community.  Her background in paediatric rehabilitation nursing has provided her a wealth of experience in caring for children with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, amputations, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida.  This, coupled with her Stomal Therapy qualification, has set her up as a holistic nursing provider who looks at the ‘bigger picture’ when caring for her young patients.  Lisa holds a Masters in Advanced Practice Nursing and has presented multiple times at national nursing conferences.