Team work makes the dream work – the Kenya Australia Twinning Project

Elizabeth English1

1 Stomal Therapy Department, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Bringing an idea to fruition isn’t a one person show; it takes passion, perseverance, dedication and hard work from a team of people committed to the task. The commitment also extends beyond the team to families, organisations and others who provide support and encouragement in so many ways.  This presentation will take you to Kenya to hear the stories of individuals touched by the dream of creating change to improve the lives of people with a stoma, wound or incontinence.  The Team has a dream, the nurses and patients in Kenya have a dream, we all have our dreams but when combining dreams, the vision becomes a reality.

Key Words

Kenya Twinning Project



Elizabeth English is the Senior Credentialed Stomal Therapy Nurse at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) in South Australia She has been in that role for more than 30 years.
Elizabeth is an active member of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses (AASTN) and represents AASTN on the Stoma Product Assessment Panel (SPAP).
She is a past President of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET).
In 2012 Elizabeth was recognised as a Member of the Order of Australia for service to nursing, particularly in the field of stomal therapy clinical practice and education, and through executive roles with national and international associations.
She is the team leader of the Kenya Australia Twinning Project training the first Stoma Wound and Continence Nurses in sub Saharan Africa.